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November 17, 2008


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I have Acrobat Reader--it seems like the link isn't working.


One word of advice....if you haven't "agreed to the terms" for Reader it will not run. Sounds silly but apparently I never did that even though I have had it installed for quite some time! Most PDFs auto open with Preview on my mac. Hope this helps someone out there!


Great blog. Good to see someone doing something so good


I would like to help! But I need to know: do you need the caps by Dec. 10th, or do you need us to mail them out to you by Dec. 10th?


Hello, I just found your blog because I have scheduled a Family Fun Night at my daughter's school for the PTA- we are going to create UPCYCLE projects...gathering trash to turn them into something good...

and now, I am thinking....Hmmmm how can we help you????

Got any ideas for us????
because if you can contact me, if I can pull it off by January...

I think I can get a bunch of things made for you.

Let me know-
my needs? It has to be out of trash...sewed or glue gunned...or simple enough to do with elementary aged kids.



my sewing time is very scarce. If I would finish sewing the cap/blanket this weekend, would it be to late to post it on Monday from Finland. I hope not.

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About Mama to Mama

  • I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again."
    -Stephen Grellet

    As crafters, the reasons we create are many. Just one may be to spread a little bit of peace into the world, to make a small but meaningful difference in one person's life through a simple act of crafting with intention. Mama to Mama seeks to find ways to connect handcrafters with mothers, children and families in need of a little bit of handmade love.

    Email Mama to Mama

The Cap Counter

  • caps :: 5523
    blankets :: 169

    1/09 - final count!

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