I'm ready. Now that we've got those silly pumkin and turkey holidays out of the way, I am full-on solstice/advent/christmas here. Wahoo! The snow has arrived, the tree comes in a few days, the advent stocking fun starts on Thursday, Holiday CDs are in rotation, the holiday boxes are up from the basement, and the rolling pin is dusted off. My lists are getting checked off more each day.
And speaking of lists, I have a HUGE one for this weekend (you know, important things like hanging mistletoe)--what a treat to have Papa home for four whole days with no plans or committments to speak of. We even squeezed a movie in with the babysitting aunties in town! Walk the Line was wonderfully done--even for this highly-critical Johnny Cash fan (okay, and can I just say that the last time I went to the movies was to see the first Star Wars--you know, the first second Star Wars. Wasn't that like FOUR years ago? Or more?? Yikes).
But don't fret--even with all these lists and merry making, I've got some crafty content coming up this week--including a mammoth quilting project that I'm psyched about finishing today (it's on the list!). I'm anticipating posting being a bit light this week, but everytime I say that, I end up posting *more*, so who knows.
Ramble, ramble, ramble. Ho, Ho, Ho. back to the list.....