I love the reflection that a New Year brings. 2006 was a year of many things for us--lots of big surprises. The biggest of all being sweet Miss Adelaide, of course. Crazy how in one year a whole pregnancy and birth can happen, isn't it? Seems like it should take longer. But the other big surprise has been this here lil' blog. I started blogging in February of last year, and had no idea of the impact it would have on me, and how I would grow to love it so much. So today I say a very special thank you to all of you for reading, commenting, inspiring, and sharing with me. I'm grateful. Really, really grateful.
I'm not a resolution maker--atleast of the 'lose 10 pounds' variety (though heavenly that would be!), but being a list lover, I've been writing my fair share of 'goals' in the past few days. I'll share the boring and personal ones for myself (mostly all revolving around THIS being the year we buy the home we love...it will happen.), but thought I'd share the crafty goals.
- Take better photographs. With the D50, some courage, and Jessie's help, I think I can do this. With this one comes conquering my fear of Photoshop.
- Knit a sweater that I'll actually love to wear. I'm 0 for 5 on this one so far. Not good.
- Use the resources that I have, or that are within my budget. In other words, the fabric and yarn buying has got to stop! (ha!, I said they were 'goals')
- Go out and visit and play in our local arts scene. Because while so much inspiration is gained on the internet, nothing beats *really* seeing art and the artist behind it, especially when there's great stuff right outside your door.
- Try something new. Even when, and perhaps especially if, it's frustrating, difficult, and uncomfortable. Pushing through that will find the best work and growth.
- Create from and for my heart only. Put some heart into it, gal. Don't go for the easy stuff. Ask with each and every thing that I make, 'how does it feel', and 'what does it mean'. The answer only need be as simple as 'joy,' but the intent needs to be there.
Cheers to 2006!