Just finished. Or, almost finished. The hand sewing still needs to be done on the hem, but since the dress is a size 2 for Adelaide, I figure I've got at least another year before I really have to hem it (can you tell I'm not a fan of handstitching?). This gorgeous fabric came from Lisa last week, and I immediately had to use it (could barely wait to wash it, but I did, thankfully--I've learned that lesson the hard way).
This is the pattern I used, which Karen sent me recently. I'm enjoying using old sewing patterns, even though I'm sometimes stumped by what they 'assume' for sewing knowledge, that modern patterns spell out in more detail. Sometimes it makes my head spin, and then other times (luckily, in the case of this dress) it feels like a fun challenge.
And speaking of amazing vintage sewing patterns, and fabulous gifts, check out what arrived in the mail yesterday from Valerie. Um, wow. And THANK YOU! I'm totally freaking out over the two on top--the circus clowns and the "shirley temple" dolls clothes. Wow.
In other news, I pick up my serger today, which only cost me a small fortune to repair, thankfully. I guess the timing was off (Kate, you called it!). I think the shop owner is afraid of me, as I 'spoke' to my machine before leaving it. Ha!