Last night as I was about to go to bed, I was browsing through the Growing Up Garnet Hill catalog and saw these pants that I really liked for Ezra (yes, I know they're 'girls' pants...whatever.). And since I generally try not to spend a lot of money on new kids pants when I can sew, and there are thrift stores and hand me downs to be had, I decided I'd make them. But it's because I'm insane--really and truly--that I got out of bed and made them at that moment. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my time sewing, with no interruptions, into the wee hours of the morning. I'm sure I'll pay for it dearly during the day today, but that's why there's coffee, right?
I used a thrifted cotton curtain for the pants (99cents. wahoo!), with some print fabric that Lisa sent (thank you!). I used a pair of his pants as a guide for the shape/sizing. It was a little risky hemming, and putting in the elastic back waistband without having him around, but fortunately, the sizing goddess was with me last night, as they fit quite well, (and not surprisingly, when I showed him, he exclaimed, "scarecrow pants!"):
Hooray for springtime pants! That means 'springtime' will follow, right? Make the clothes, and it will come?