..."and a couple of tra la la's, that's how we laugh the day away in the merry old land of Oz." Oh god. Am I singing that again? We're so completely and utterly Wizard of Oz focused here that Steve and I--when the kids are in bed--will find ourselves humming, "If I only had a brain". Ack! It all started with reading the book, and then there were these silly coloring pages on the WIzard of Oz website that I printed off almost hourly by request, and the same website had video clips of the movie (that I think is too scary for MY 5 and 3 year old to see in full), and then grammie got a CD with all the songs and speaking parts too, and before I knew it--without having seen the movie--my kids know every line and every scene in the damn thing, and were acting it out all day long. Oh, how I miss the Sound of Music!
So, where was I? Oh yeah...the snip, snip. I'm not fond of kid haircuts--giving them, or taking them to have it done, and as a result, they can usually just barely see with all the hair in their eyes. Calvin and Ezra are working their way through playing all the roles in the cast, and having covered the scarecrow, tinman and dorothy, Calvin is now moving onto the munchkins. And so he needs a crewcut, right? Um, no. Mama drew the line there, but with great persistence and a teeny tiny nudge from Papa, I did agree to this:
Yeah, he looks happy, but I was just about in tears at this point. I LOOOOVed the long hair!
I found myself mumbling "hair grows" so many times today, and then remembering that that's just what I remember my mother saying when I shaved my head. Ah, it all comes full circle, doesn't it?
(Was this whole long post really just about my kid getting his hair cut? Oh my. Much more thrilling content tomorrow, I promise. I have no idea what, but I'll come up with something! Maybe even something crafty!)