So I did a little shopping today. At a fabric store. One of the bummers/blessings of selling things I've made is that I can always justify buying fabric...even when it's intended for ME and not a shop. Hmn. Interesting justification. But less dangerous in this store where everything blissfully runs $1 to $3 a yard (Marden's, in Lewiston, for you local folks).

First up: fabric for some new quilted couch pillows. My living room feels like it needs a lift, so some green it is.
And pants for my boys. Blue terry on the great for the beach.
Mmnn. That yellow will be a skirt for me. I've been wanting to try a tiered skirt, and this is just the fabric I want to do it with. The pink and grey (love that combination) will be a dress for Adelaide. Because you know, I'm SURE she NEEDS another dress.
And last. This yummy beach print. Which will be the start of a beach blanket quilt that I'm determined to make this summer. I got halfway to a completed beach blanket last summer, but aborted it when I realized that the hand embroidered work I'd done would surely make me twitchy and all "don't spill the juice on the blanket!" which is just so not cool at the beach. And so I'll start anew this year.
Oh, and did I mention the sewing machine shop I stopped by too? Yeah, after a few minutes with the shop owner (okay, she's also my aunt), I was completely SOLD and drooling over the Bernina Aurora 430 (with the Bernina Stitch Regulator. Swoon.). And so I bought it. Well, I actually ordered it because they were out of stock, but I'm pretty sure that means I bought it, even though I was only in there for an 'investigative visit". I'm slightly giddy. Okay, I'm really giddy. I'm super appreciative of all of your advice, and if you're ever looking for an entertaining read, you should totally check out the comments on that post: "Bernina!", "Janome!", "Bernina!", "Pfaff!", "Janome!". I do hope you Janome lovers will forgive me for the Bernina purchase...and hey, in the interest of keeping the peace, I will remind you that my serger's a Janome. All cool? I'm very excited.