I'm still stuck in vacation mind. With no committments or schedules for four days it felt a bit like a vacation at home. We wandered beaches, swam like fish, rendevouzed with the wildlife (alright, alright, the bear was at the Maine Wildlife Park), did a little bicentennial crafting (for a fellow bicentenial baby turning 30, on the 4th no less!), waited (and waited) for the shuttle to launch, and awed at the fireworks. And besides all the fun, there was just the 'vacation' of having both parents home, which I daydream about happening all the time. Happy children. Happy parents. Ah....long weekends!
**and thanks for all your support and enthusiasm about the Etsy shop. Now I'm going to stop talking about selling things and just leave a quiet little button to the shop over on the right sidebar (I know, it's getting crowded and cluttered over there and I fully intend to do something about it soon).**