We're back from an amazing week at 'camp' (I think that's a Maine thing, isn't it? Everyone here has a 'camp'?). We had just perfect weather, and minimal visiting from the blackflies and mosquitoes. We spent the days on the dock, in the kayaks, swimming in the lake, and our nights by the campfire. Early evenings were met with "can I please go hang out in my bed?" by a tuckered out Calvin, and "I'm going to take a rest in the hammock" by sleepy Ezra. Adelaide was a trooper, crawling through the pine needles with her sap covered knees, and testing out the taste of the pinecones. Fairy houses were built (and visited by the fairies each night!), fishing poles saw plenty a-cast, and many a s'more were eaten. A bit of paradise.
As children, my sisters and I used to complain and curse my father for buying this property deep in the middle of nowhere (no exageration), and for dragging us up there for weeks at a time to get eaten by bugs, be away from our friends and the city, sleep in damp tents, and do the labor-intensive 'work' that goes along with that sort of camping. And now...I can't imagine anything more perfect. Granted, a few conveniences up there have made it much 'easier' - a gorgeous log cabin they built, a pump, gas lights. But there were so many moments each day last week when I couldn't imagine anything more blissful, perfect or beautiful than what was around me. A deep and awesome landscape with amazing sunsets and lovely wildlife, my beautiful family, and lots of quiet. And I love the way vacations - when we're not in the 'normal' realm of our day to day lives - force us to examine and question our lives. I find myself reminded of what I value, what's important to me. And so clear about what I want 'more' of in my life, and what I could use a little 'less' of, too.
I've put just a few photos from our week on Flickr. And expect a bit more 'camp talk', and perhaps slow posting around here as I ease myself s-l-o-w-l-y back into our lives, holding on to as much peace and quiet of the last week as I can.