I have this history of realizing I 'need' a new bag as soon as I begin packing for a trip. And then needing to stop all packing to make 'just' the bag I need. Last week, it was a camera bag. I've got a huge bag that I bought with the Nikon, but it's rather cumbersome for tossing on my shoulder, particularly when trying to pack lightly for a canoe trip (and let's face it, it's a big ugly leather camera bag. ick). And all the camera bags I've seen out and about are for those eensy cameras, which mine is certainly not. So. You can see, I really did need a new bag.
I wanted it to be thick to protect the camera just a wee bit. So it's lined with two layers of cotton batting, and then quilted, with the yummy poppy fabric that Sally sent (thank you, Sally!). And to keep the camera from moving around, it's just big enough for it, and one extra lens. It's lined in cotton, and has a drawstring top, in the hopes that it would keep out sand, dirt, and little fingers (atleast long enough for me to get there first). After testing it out this weekend, I'd call it a mild success - the drawstring is a bit clunky (because it's so thick), but I love the softness and the colors. Yum.