Amazingly, there was no twitchy crafting withdrawal happening on vacation (but ice cream withdrawal, yes), and it was nearly mid-week when I was so completely inspired by Ez's sweet drawings that I had to do a bit of something myself. Thankfully, I had the headgear required for such strenuous activity as embroidery (though, looking at myself in this photo I'm wondering if I should have perhaps done a bit more of a physical strenuous activity. Ahem.).
"A moose with goggles, but no eyeballs".
I'm not sure what to do with these pieces yet. It's about time that I did something with Ezra's art, as he's actually started asking where HIS pillow, wall hanging, and quilt are. Geesh. Mama guilt is a serious motivator.
**for those of you asking how I transfer the drawing to fabric: I tape the drawing on a window, then tape the fabric over it, and then trace the drawing underneath with a light pencil (you could also use Sulky pens, as described at Turkey Feathers.)