I found a home for all those yo-yo's, or most of them, at least. The basketful has been sitting while I pondered exactly how I'd 'string' the garland. And then this weekend, while in (the very long) line at JoAnn's, I was peeking at Adorn and saw my solution. Ric Rac! Hot Glue! Perfect!
Putting it all together took no time at all, especially with all my helpers. Ezra shouted out the pattern, "Red Yo-Yo! Green, Next!" while Calvin choose a button for each, and Adelaide ate the ric rac (she was helping). I'm so pleased with the garland. But now that there are yo-yo's in the kitchen, and yo-yo's (at least for the holidays) in the living room, I think I'm officially cured of the yo yo fix. For now, at least. (And again, I say...dang, photographing windows is not fun.)
Edited: I'm not the only one with yo-yo garlands on the brain! See Heather's here (she's also got a fab tutorial for making yo-yos).