This week my babe turns six. He's an amazingly creative, passionate, and fun person who stretches, challenges, and inspires me each and every day. I feel such a mix of being so excitedly curious to see how he grows and what he does and how he lives his life; while at the same time, longing for and hanging onto the early days when he was so wee. I suppose that puts me right in the middle - where we are now - loving, learning, and enjoying each and every step of the way on this journey that I'm so blessed to share with him.
Today was a wonderful medieval party with some very special queens, knaves, knights, and princesses in attendance. There was questing (in the BITTER cold wind), handmade capes for all, a bit of 'medieval' henna, and much feasting. We had *such* fun, and most of all, the Knight of honor was quite pleased. Thanks again to all of you for the *amazing* medieval party suggestions. We were so inspired by them, and incorporated many of them into our day.
Right now, I've got some cleaning up to do. And then some more celebrating to do in the next couple of days. Because, really, as far as I'm concerned, there's hardly anything more magical or important than a child's birthday. And, six? Well six is feeling very special.