Okay, so I'm totally not digging on the vibe of these last two posts. Rush, rush, busy, busy. And here I am with another. This will be my last, I promise. But I do find comfort in knowing I'm not the only one this week scrambling with the two hour gifts. I made this little baby gift set last night, hoping it would take just two hours. The smock and the quilting did, but then the binding took an additional two hours of their own (I'm a s-l-o-w handsewer). Thankfully, it was spent in front of the television (a place I haven't visited at nighttime in months - it's too far away from my sewing machine!), where I was happily distracted from the dreaded (by me) handsewing by a program on John and Abigail Adams. I was riveted. No, really, I was. Completely absorbed, which is why I can only handle very slow television. Steve thinks my TV watching is freakish, because then after dreaming about them last night, I'm now slightly obsessed with finding out more about dear John and Abigail. This is why I don't watch television. I am a freak.
But anyway. Back to the sewing. Calvin chose the fabrics, which I think are perfectly matched for the sweet, young, hippy family that it's headed to. And I must say that I love the way he wanted the flowers on the bottom, then the gnomes, and then the stars up top - "just like a picture, and on the Earth!" he said.
The timing on this was so close on this that I was literally walking to the washing machine as I was finishing the handsewing. And on the other end, waiting at the dryer with camera (because I had to blog it, right? crappy photos and all?), wrapping paper, tape and car keys in hand. But I made it in time. Two hour gifting. Phew.