The results of some Friday Night Sewing (just in time for Saturday Wearing). Thank you Steve, for waiting until 11pm to start the movie ("I'm just one seam away from a new shirt!", except it never really is just one more seam, is it? Always some other detail I forgot. Thanks for not complaining about that).
The shirt is Built By Wendy pattern #3835, which I finally got around to giving a go (why did I think they weren't available at JoAnn's? But they are. And conveniently found on $1.99 Simplicity pattern days, which I get ridiculously giddy about, even though I rarely buy new patterns. Still. Such a deal! Am I rambling?). This pattern is so clear and easy and I love the fit. I had all sorts of fun floral prints pulled out to make with it, but the reality was that I actually needed a white shirt (something about white not lasting long around here ... I wonder why?). In my stash, I found this crispy white vintage cotton sheeting with a bit of texture (is it poplin? it might be poplin). It's just what I needed. And I'm sure this pattern will be used again in the near future - the idea of not needing to buy any shirts this summer excites me in a silly way.
The skirt is a trace of another one I have. I wasn't sure exactly how this fabric would work, and given that I have YARDS of it, I was a little lazy in my sewing - basically the trace of a skirt - front and back - and a simple waistband with a rolled hem at the bottom. Simple. Easy. And sooo comfortable. I found this vintage fabric (yes, polyester) at the Salvation Army sale this year - such great colors. And there's even a slight touch of green so I can wear my favorite green boots that I now only save for 'once in a while' since they're getting a bit beat. Perfect - looks like I've decided what to wear tonight for my date with my mother-in-law (who, by the way, I completely lucked out on - she's so lovely), to see Patty Griffin. I can't wait.
And really - taking pictures of yourself? Not so easy. You'd think after two years of blogging, and even with my new nifty remote, I'd have some tricks. But nope, I don't. I just move around trying to find good light (because I barely understand light in photography), and thinking, "I should just put it on a damn hanger to take the picture". I don't know how all you wardrobe remixers do it, really, every single day - but how cool for us that you do.