A very happy June 1st to you! There are a few little changes around here that you might like to know about. I've decided to put off another Etsy shop update for the time being. Unless I suddenly change my mind (who knows - I surprise myself sometimes), I plan on closing up shop for the summer months. No worries that I will return in the fall with plenty of fresh ideas and things to stock it back up with.
Other small changes - you can see a minor face-lift happened here last night - new banner, and colors and things. I also moved my About page to a different - but similar page which you can find here. (Typepad users - have you seen the new "Pages" feature? It's much easier for formatting, adding links and such.) And while I still plan on updating each weekday (I love the rhythm of doing it that way), you might find a bit lighter 'summer fare' upon your visit here. Need I really warn you that there may be weeks dedicated entirely to posts of sand and baby toes? By now, you should know this of me.
Oh, and speaking of sand and the FAQ's - I want to add a wee Portland (Maine) bit to answer some of the "coming to Maine, where should I go?" emails that I get. If you're local, or a Portland lover, I'd be psyched with your help - want to give a shout out in the comments to your favorite spots - crafty and touristy alike? Thank you!
I have a few new projects in the works that I am over-the-top excited about this summer. And I'll share them with you as soon as they're firmed up just a bit (you're seeing bits of one such project in this post!). Mostly, I'm thrilled, thrilled, thrilled that summer is upon us - that the beach
bag is perpetually packed, summer adventures are planned, and days are
spent outside from waking until bedtime. Heavenly. Here in Maine, at
least, we wait a very, very, very long (and cold) time for these few
months of summer bliss. They're to be treasured, and not taken for
granted. I fully plan on soaking up every moment that I can.
On that note, I wish you a very wonderful June weekend!