Apparently I still have birds on my mind. It's no wonder with the way my sweet babes are so bird focused - this summer we started a family project of photographing, drawing and learning about each bird that visits our backyard feeders. Now, several months into it (and countless drawings and photographs later), they still get just as excited each time a bird comes, begging me to get the camera "with the YellaPhoto lens!". And I have to very gently say, "honey. we have 25 photos of the robin. Really - we've got the robin covered".
So I suppose it was only natural that birds would work their way in when I was thinking about what I'd most like to make for Eireann's auction for her sweet Mama - one in ten. A trio of birds for a little one - a linen smock (in a larger size than I usually make - this one is 3 to 6 yrs), a felt crown, and a linen tote bag. The auction will be on Ebay, and will begin August 19th. I'll remind you when it starts (or you can visit one in ten for details).
I haven't sold this style of smock on Etsy before - they've always gone to friends or Edith & Edna. It's a traditional pattern - this one is reversible, and crosses over in the back to attach with snaps. (As a completely random aside, when I was putting the snaps on the smock last night, I had a little moment of thanks for my snap press. When I bought it, I wasn't sure I would ever use it enough to justify the cost. But just a year and a half later, I can say that it has already been worth it. Between cloth diapers and pads, and smocks and bibs, it has more than earned it's keep around here, and makes the little end detail of putting a snap on a breeze. So yes, a little moment of love for the snap press.)
I had such fun putting this set together, it got my brain spinning with fall-time goodness for the shop. It feels like my Etsy 'summer vacation' might be nearing an end!