I've been keeping my eye out this summer for vintage clothing pieces to use in my small quilts. I hadn't had much luck until one fine day out thrifting with Jen, and then - bingo. All in one bag labeled - amazingly enough - 'vintage clothing pieces'. Well, then. Inside, I found a beautiful collection of just that - nothing entirely in one piece - all cut up already, which made it far less guilt-inducing for me to cut them up some more. There are some old, old pieces in here - lace, lots of undergarments, nightshirts, christening gowns - oh, lots of good stuff. Perhaps it's silly how much I treasure these old, leftover and discarded bits of oldness. But I do. And I've been waiting for the opportunity to use them.
And then this weekend, I did a quick photo shoot for a quilt project in book two. I had a very specific vintage sort of look in mind for Adelaide - my willing model (I pay my models in ice cream and kisses, by the way, and they haven't complained yet).
With only 20 minutes to spare before needing to rush out the door (that sunset light is creeping up on me these days!), I remembered these clothing pieces. I dug around for one leg of a woman's lace-edged undergarment (bloomers, I think, or maybe pantalettes) and with a quick snip and an elastic waistband added, I got just the look I was going for. (And yes, she's still wearing that vintage top - the one that sparked six months of smock making - now as a shirt).
In the end, I didn't end up even having Adelaide in the shot I got for the book (she still got paid - heavy on the kisses). But that didn't stop me from snapping away with her on the beach anyway. Babies. Beach. Vintage clothes. You know how I am. How could I stop myself?