Feeling - soggy after a week of rain.
Drinking - my third cup of coffee this morning. Oh my.
Writing - and rewriting, and writing again.
Thinking - that crumpled up pieces of paper on the floor would be far more satisfying than the 'delete' button.
Contemplating - driving down to Boston tomorrow night to hear Regina Spektor. Because I heart Regina Spektor.
Knowing - that a trip to the local movie theater to ogle Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth: The Golden Voyage might be a more likely substitute.
Listening - to the new Radiohead (and liking it), after spending far too much time debating what it was 'worth' to me. But how great that I get to make that choice.
Jumping - each time the Peter Pan soundtrack catches me by surprise in the iTunes rotation.
Savoring - the last audio chapter of Pride & Prejudice (via Librivox) for another day (I never want that story to end).
Resisting - the temptation to dive into the beautiful Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts and make, make, make.
Eating - french bread and avacado slices. With salt and pepper. It's 9:15 in the morning.
Hiding - a Green & Black chocolate bar in my studio for later. Shhhhh....don't tell my little ones.
Feeling - grateful for the sun streaming in today after a wet, grey week.
Wishing - you a lovely weekend.