(Super Rack has an amazing power to be in constant motion - thereby preventing any photographers from capturing him. He also drops his shoes super fast, giving him better foot-griping power with his barefeet. So I'm told). Calvin was sooo excited to read all of your words yesterday. He says Thank You. So does his Mama -you were very nice to him. I loved watching Super Rack evolve - I have such fun watching him when he's in the middle of a process like that. We kind of 'get' each other, which is of course, all at the same time super amazing and super challenging. Definitely fun, though.
So for the rest of us. Ezra was a Song and Dance Man, as you can see. Ezra really IS the Song and Dance Man - not quite rocker, not quite hippie. In fact, he's somewhat of a cross between Bob Dylan and Huey Lewis. If you can imagine that. He's his own dude and a really really fab one at that. His harmonica tunes and accompanying jigs were livening up the streets last night, I tell you.
Whenever we talked about Halloween the past few weeks - of course, a pretty vague concept for her - Adelaide said she wanted to be a Pirate Fairy. Consistently. Despite hourly attempts by Calvin to get her to be Super Baby (a character of his own design, for which he had the costume all planned out). She can TOTALLY stand her own, man, and so a Pirate Fairy it was. The clothing choices? All hers. That girl has some FIRM ideas about things, let me tell you. I'm ridiculously proud of her for that - even if it makes me pull my hair out sometimes.
And Mama? Well this was the first year as an adult that I've dressed up in a really long time. At 3pm yesterday, I started squirreling away pieces of a costume to surprise the kids with. Pippi's a pretty big deal to these three people, and I thought I could pull it off enough with what I had on hand to at least make it semi-recognizable. They all did immediately, and their laughter and giggles about it all nearly busted my heart.
For someone who is so passionate about family tradition, ritual and holidays, I will admit that Halloween is the one I have the most mixed feelings about - the one I drag my feet on the most. But slowly, our own family traditions are evolving, and at the same time we're embracing some of the traditional ones that I never thought I would. Yesterday was a little of both. It's all about the balance, I'm learning. And really, who can't help but fall a little bit in love with a day that's all about creativity and imagination and dress up?