We woke up this morning to snow falling outside, and it looks like it will be coming down for a bit. It's perfect, as our New Years plan involves staying right put and cozying in. The kids have grand plans of 'staying up all night' to greet the new year. All manner of strategies are in place by these little ones - involving water bottles to spray in their (own) face when they're tired; a walk in the woods after dark; uncomfortable sitting positions; and so forth. Good fun, and fabulous entertainment for us. Who needs TV when you've got a full-on performance troupe in-house?
The coming year holds so many different and exciting things, and I'm sure there will be lots of talk tonight of all those plans and dreams for our little family. Tonight, we'll put aside the practicality of some of those fun kid - and adult - wild ideas and just let the dreams fly. I love the magic of a New Year - giving room to all the possibilities in the world. Because you never do know...
Thank you for sharing a bit of 2007 with me - your daily stops here to read, cheer, laugh and encourage have moved and amazed me and warmed my heart in more ways than I can say. I thank you for all of that.
May your own New Year be full of joy, creativity, and peace! Cheers to you and yours!