Hello, Hello! I wanted to pop in to say hi - I was missing you guys! I've got just a few more days to go - and I find myself going back and forth like a ping pong ball between the sheer delight that comes with knowing I'm so close to the end, and the absolute horror that comes with knowing I'm so close to the end. It's a feeling the Harlot can describe best of all. I can only say, 'it's nutty.' and hard. and fun all at the same time.
I'm being heavily fueled by the four lovebugs around me. And a few other things too...
the beautiful:
A constant supply of fresh flowers in my studio. Imperative for any February, but really
imperative for the last week in February in which my manuscript is
due. Milk glass vase required.
the essential:
When a package of Green & Blacks arrived in the mail last week I do think I squealed. It's essential fuel, and I had nearly run out. Not good. Chocolate is very important in this stage of the game. (And bacon + chocolate? surprisingly right for something that seems so very wrong.)
the delightful:
Love notes slipped under the door that just about melt my heart. And the love notes in my email inbox, and in my post office mailbox. thank you. They've not only brought a smile to my face, but at critical moments of doubt, they've reminded me of why I'm writing this book.
Alright! Back at it, then. I now turn you back into the very able hands of our guest blogger...I will see you again in March! Oh, March...
Have a lovely week!