A vase of pink tulips will have to stand in for my white flag because it's time to admit defeat!
This month had already promised to be a challenging one before it even started. But on top of the expected came a whole bunch of unwelcome and unpleasant unexpected. And here I find myself not quite to the end of it yet, and feeling stretched in too-many different directions. I would try to give you the analogy I've been using to describe this feeling to friends - something involving silly putty, a brick wall, and five limbs snapping. But yeah, I think I scare people with that one...(and really, I'm okay. Just a little dramatic.) Suffice it to say, though, these last 11 days before turning in the manuscript are destined to be a little nutty no matter what. I hear (and remember) that it's just a rule of writing a book (is this comforting? not particularly). Piles of finished projects, piles of unfinished projects, piles of paper, piles of edits, piles of late minute ideas, and piles of doubts. Par for the proverbial course.
So rather than take you down the path of nutty right along with me (though the company would be lovely), I think it's best to take a little breather here. Ah. Feels better just saying so. Maybe I'll pop in with a picture or an update so you know I'm still kicking. Or - if we're really lucky - maybe a guest blog from my favorite peeps will appear here and there. If we ask nicely, I bet they'll do it. They're pretty swell like that - refilling my coffee cup, taking away the coffee cup and telling me to drink water, reminding me to breathe, and telling me ever so gently that it's time to take a shower. How many days has it been, again? Right. I should do that. Shower and stuff.
Thanks for hanging in there - you're pretty swell yourselves - patiently tolerating my chatter about the second book before you've even seen the first. It's coming so soon, friends. Thank you, and I'll see you later next week!
p.s. I've got this (I think I can...she says in a quivering voice), and then this one in my head. (That would be Cheap Trick, a cheesy 80's cartoon, and a third person reference all in one sentence. That's the kind of nutty I'm talking about.)