Ten things I'm loving right now:
1. The Nikon 105mm VR macro lens. Unfortunately, it's not mine, it's rented from ZipLens (highly recommended, from my experience thus far). Since it didn't exactly fit into my budget to own, I'm happy to rent it for a week while I shoot the final book photos. I'm kind of in love with it though. (Uh, yeah, kind of. I'm thinking about fleeing the country with it before my rental is up. Lots of places to hide up there in Canada, right?)
2. This necklace from Etsy seller LaWatha. Each time I wear it I get extra snuggles from all the bird lovers around here (albeit, sometimes in the form of trying to rip it off my neck). Still, sweet.
3. This post at Yarn Harlot, which has me all sniffly about kids and dress up and time passing and mothering. Go read.
4. Boy clothes inspiration in the form of another Japanese sewing book. So much cuteness. Ezra and I are scheming (and I'm practicing my deep breathing for the pattern-tracing part).
5. The newish Flickr group, Trash Pickins, started by elsie marley. Because, seriously, there's some good stuff needing to be rescued from the trash. (It's Big Trash Pickup in Portland, my friends!)
6. The enthusiasm from my little gardeners each time they plead to plant just one more thing.
7. A guest blogger in the works for next week! I'll tell you more tomorrow.
8. The weeping cherry tree in our front yard, in full bloom for just a few days longer, perhaps. (I really wanna keep that lens, I really wanna keep that lens.)
9. A movie night. The kids movie watching around here has been a little, shall we say, sheltered. But recently Calvin's been asking to see something "for older kids - maybe a little scary - but really good and funny." (I guess I was a little niave to think Little Bear would last until the age of 10.) So tonight he has a date for us with Princess Bride. And it's kind of like when you introduce your significant other to a favorite band and you really want them love it as much as you do. Yeah, we're a little nervous.
10. This blanket made by my great grandmother and on temporary loan from my Mom for me to admire for a bit.
What are you loving today?