The clothes my babe has been wearing lately are very evident of her 'third child' hand-me-down-clothes status. Not that it really matters to her - or us - for the most part, but you know, once in a while it's nice to have something free of stains (says she who would love some herself); and something new is nice too, especially when you've got a Mama who sews. So last week, I issued myself a little challenge: one piece of summer apparel for her a night. Thanks to a little bit of chocolate and a lot of the new Portishead, the challenge was met.
The three tops are all made from the Girly Style Wardrobe book. Those patterns are such a bear for me to trace, that once I finally get one traced onto my own tracing paper, I can't help but make a slew of them to make it worth it. The dress in the middle is another from the Oliver + S bubble dress pattern (if you're an observant type - you'll notice that the shoulder flaps aren't as extended as they are in the original. Yeah, I, um, accidentally cut them off in a late night stupor. Oops.)
The rest - the skirts, bloomers, and smock and shorts are all patternless - either traced from existing clothes, or just kind of made up as I went along. As you can see, I found my ruffler, which I think I had intentionally hidden from myself because I tend to get carried away with it whenever I use it. I really love using the ruffler. But the ruffles themselves? Mnn...sometimes they can be a bit much. I think I stopped myself in time with these, though. I think.
This one might be my favorite. The adorable japanese fabric was a gift from Stefani, and Adelaide claimed it as hers immediately upon opening the package. I could totally picture her poking at her belly and pointing out all the animals, which is just what she does with this shirt. So sweet.
Phew! It feels very good to have a new pile of clothes at no 'cost' (all from the stash), but the time taken to make them, which was a pleasure, really. Just as I was putting these away though, Ezra has asked if he could be next. And so...back to the machine I go.