First up, thanks for the nice words on the Gratitude Wrap! I'm pretty psyched about it as a project (I'm fully enjoying catching up on my 'thank you's'!), and do indeed have some plans of making a few wraps to add to the shop. I also have a new embroidery hoop project I've started for the shop. My hope is for a mid-month update, but July's a full month, so we shall see what happens. I'll let you know!
Yes, July. A 'full' month indeed - camping trips and hikes, parties, and travel plans, and then the regular daily living of summer. Full in every regard. And I'm finding myself spending more moments playing with my camera than sitting at the computer to write. Ever since I completed the 30 Days of the Everyday photo project in February, I knew I wanted to do another one, one that would be a seasonal balance to the living in that project. An attempt to capture how daily living here changes so much from season to season, and yet - how some things stay constant.
And so, today begins my partner to the winter project - 30 Days of Summer. But I'm going to do things a little differently this time - "summer style," if you will. A few less self-imposed rules. It won't be 30 days straight in a row, but rather 30 days interspersted with other posts here and there. And I'm not restricting myself to 'just' photos - if I have words to share, I'll share them. So all that really means is that things might look a little less 'regular' around here for the coming weeks. But shaking things up once in a while is part of the game, right? It's definitely part of summer living.