Driving down the camp road last week, this branch full of red leaves popped out in front of us. Fall! A shocking contrast against the greens and blues in the background that have made up the colors of summer. And yet - every day I'm finding more and more signs like this - sights becoming a little less shocking each time as the transition really gets underway. The leaves are changing color, the acorns are coming into the house in little fistfulls, the root vegetables are beginning to be harvested, the apples on the trees are ripening. Oh, fall is full of some wonderful things!
This wraps up my Days of Summer photo series. Thanks for walking along with me, and sharing in the joys of my favorite season. Looking at all of the photos together, I feel satisfied with how our summer was spent, and the little ways it was captured with my camera. A sharp contrast and balance to the 30 Days of the Everyday in winter - and yet - still full of many things that are important to us all year long.
It's been a very good summer.