From a traditional Maine Lobster Bake - cooked in the seaweed - at my parents house (hosted by my dad and aunts and uncles, who learned it from their own father) a ballroom and black tie party the next night - and everything in between and following, it was such a wonderful weekend full of family celebration and love. I don't think I've ever seen a bride smile so much all day long. She, I must say, was gorgeous. I have very few photographs - for the most part, I left my camera behind and the photography to the wonderful professionals on hand (I do hope he doesn't mind his bum being published on the internet, but I do love that behind-the-scenes photo. Um, hi Chris!). (Oh, and for those curious - I did indeed make it all the way down the aisle in heels and stood for the whole ceremony without losing my balance once. I credit that to two things: the flip-flops I wore for every moment to and from the church; and the blessing of a 20 minute UU ceremony. Gifts from the bride and groom, indeed.)
Two birthdays, a new fall schedule, and a great big wedding - oh goodness, that was far more excitement than we're used to in one week. We haven't found 'normal' mode here yet, so hang in there while I get my bearings and catch up a bit this week.
In the meantime...I recently did an interview with Hop on over there to take a peek at the Q&A, and enter (by Wednesday morning) to win one of two copies of The Creative Family they're giving away. Thanks for a wonderful interview, Mary Jessica!