The weather here has been so mild for November. Strangely mild, actually. Because of that, though, we found ourselves not once - but twice - at the shore this weekend. Comfortable and warmish - it felt like a little November gift.
All around us right now are signs of late Autumn in our world. The leaves are mostly gone, save the oak leaves that hang on most of winter. The critters out there are slowing down and hiding in the woods more. The garden bed is covered over and at rest. And the general color of the world changes from bright, vibrant greens, yellows, oranges and a whole lot of shades of brown. It seems as though the living of the woods - from both the plants and animals - has gone underground now. And it's calmer, quieter out there for the most part.
But it felt very different at the shore this weekend. With all the 'people' of the beach gone, the evidence of sea life is easier to find - starfish, large shells, full sand dollars - all washed up on the sand aplenty. The cold, cold ocean waves rolling in (that you just can't resist putting your feet in), are the ultimate reminder of how alive it - and we - are. And the autumn winds whipping around us - however warm they may be - add a noise and a vibrant energy to the whole visit that force our eyes open a little wider, and our ears open a little bit bigger to take it all in.
Some images from the weekend...