Good morning!
This would be my election scarf. The one I've been knitting in bed each night for the past week, with the laptop in front of me, watching the previous night's Jon Stewart. The one I brought with me to the polling booth yesterday and stood knitting, standing in line with my politically-aware and very excited seven year old. The one I nervously knit yesterday when there was no more baking and kneading to be done through the day. The one I put the fringes on last night, just as two amazing men gave two wonderful speeches, and I could finally, finally rest. Yes, I will forever be reminded of the hope, anticipation and excitement of this election when I wear this little scarf.
The scarf is The Purl Scarf from Joelle Hoverson's Last Minute Knitted Gifts. Knit with a strand each of Classic Elite Le Gran Mohair and some organic O-Wool from Vermont Organic Fiber Company.
I'm excited today. I'm so very full of hope. Most of all, though, I'm relieved that it's over. I hate how politics - and election time in particular - divides our country, and divides friends and families - because I don't think we're really as divided as the political culture would have us believe. I like to believe we're more united than that. That we do all stand on some common ground, even though we may not always agree on the specifics.
I've heard from many of you who have been disappointed that I've let snippets of politics creep into this space - that you come to this place for a bit of joy and mindfulness in your day. I understand that - I really do. But to not share anything about this election that has so moved me, and so been a part of my life in recent months...well, it just didn't feel very real...or honest. So thanks for your patience, friends.
And now, let's get back to talking about knitting. Or sewing. Or sandy beaches. Or the fabulousness of baby toes. Those incredibly important everyday-life little things that unite us.
edited: I'm closing the comments a little early on this one. Just ready to put the conversation to bed. Thanks, friends!