{Being weighed after the birth. Photo by our dear friend Jessie Fields.}
Thank you so much for your warm wishes and congratulations on Harper's birth! Steve and I read every single one - truly awed by the kindness showered this way - from literally - all corners of the world. Harper's a lucky little guy to have your blessings as he starts this journey. Thank you.
I know there are lots of you looking for a good homebirth story to come here, but the "story" could more be summed up in a three-line haiku, should the proper brain cells of mine be in order to actually write one (they're not, I assure you. As evidenced by the way this post is about to ramble on...and on). Basically? After weeks of many, many, many contractions each day, and many moments of thinking we were in full-on labor (oh...the birthing tub that was filled up and then drained so many times by my sweet husband)....the actual day of labor amounted to a total of 43 minutes from the time I woke up with a start until I was snuggled back in bed with a baby. The midwives made it just in time, and my three little ones were woken up from a sleepy stupor to see the arrival of their littlest brother a mere two minutes before his birth. I know sometimes fast labors like that can be a little intense - I'm grateful, I think, for all the early 'work' of labor that my body had been doing for weeks (as frustrating as it sometimes was at the time) that made the end so smooth in its swiftness. It was a gentle, lively, and beautiful entry.
And now...we're all thick in the fog of babyland over here - those post-baby moments that vascilate between: ouchy engorgement to milky bliss; the sibling meltdowns and squabbles that come with change to sibling love and adoration that melts a heart; sore, um, everything to endorphines and strength unlike any other; but mostly and most importantly, a whole lot of falling in love. It's just where I want to be.
I'm going to duck back into my spot on the bed next to Harper where I can stare at his loveliness all day long and rest while I can. And assist the many little 'helpers' that join us. I'll be back in this space regularly again in a little while - maybe a week or more? - I don't know yet. But... in the meantime, I've got some fun pre-written and ready-to-roll posts full of treats (hmnn...a giveaway, anyone?) in store for you next week, starting this weekend. So come on by for that.
Thanks for your patience while I go back to counting and kissing these fresh little wrinkled up fingers over and over.
And for those of you celebrating tomorrow - well for everyone, really - may your day be full of much love and gratitude for all that you hold dear!