Photos by SoulePapa.
(The sling, for those of you wondering, is a Moby Wrap, which I especially love for these early days.)
So I had that big flurry of knitting in the weeks waiting for Harper. Some results you've seen, but believe it or not - there's more you haven't seen yet. Those hours spent awake in the middle of the night with contractions that were just enough to keep me from sleeping - I filled them with knitting. On my needles then was this hat - Odessa by Grumperina (available as a free download on Ravelry). It was such a fun pattern to knit - interesting, but not too complicated. I used The Fibre Company Savannah yarn - love that stuff.
It's the same yarn I knit the Maine Morning Mitts from earlier this year. I think together, they're going to be perfect for warmer spring days...or for freakishly warm winter days like we had yesterday. (Any Mamas recognize those braids? Oh yes...those are the 'it's been three days again since I've had a shower" braids.)
(This whole little photo session made me laugh so much yesterday, though I'm not sure why. I think it just felt good to be outside...and not frozen out there. And to be showing the woods and the forts to Harper without slipping on ice.)
So the knitting. Until a few days ago, I hadn't done a stitch of knitting since Harper's birth, which of course, was just fine. There's been too much nursing, sleeping and staring to be done. But the itch to knit has started to creep in...and there is that holiday coming up oh-so-soon with just a few hand knits on the list. Thankfully, a few days ago, I remembered that if I can eat, cook, parent and nurse with just one free hand, surely I can remember how to knit with a sleeping babe on my chest.
And so...we're knitting a little bit now, Harper and I. And it's very good - one little row at a time.
Photo by Calvin. (He rocks the 50mm.)