right now, I am...
enjoying :: the 5-inch tall elfin snowpeeps my kids were so excited to make from the first fallings of snow-like precipitation this week
wondering :: how it got to be 10pm before I posted today?
marveling :: at the pile of packages on my porch waiting to be opened for the Mama to Mama project. You are all amazing.
dancing :: in front of the tree lights each night with Harper to sooth those 9pm new baby bellyaches
listening :: to Sufjan Stevens Songs for Christmas - and never tiring of it
anticipating :: the ice storm that's rolling in tonight - hoping that everyone and everything is safe, but also loving the cozy-hibernating feeling that comes with a storm
loving :: the way these two love each other
thinking :: I'd better go get that spit-up removing shower in before we lose power
signing :: off for the weekend
wishing :: you a beautiful December weekend!