Today's sponsor giveaway comes from Imagine Childhood - a shop full of tools and toys for family exploration, adventure and creativity. (Check out their wonderful blog too - full of child & nature inspiration.)
Description from Imagine Childhood:
"Bring nature indoors with this wonderful plant-dyed wool felt Pine Cone Fairy and Fairy House. Handmade
on Bryn Du Farm in Colorado using wool from their own Jacob sheep
herd. We can even tell you the name of the sheep the wool came from! House fits 1-3 fairies and measures 7"x7"x7", Fairy is 3 to 3.5 inches in height. Not for children under 4."
One lucky winner will receive both the fairy and fairy house pictured and described above! If you'd like to
enter, just leave a comment in this post. I'll close comments and
announce the winners at 6pm EST on Monday.
In addition, for the duration of this giveaway, Imagine Childhood is offering a 15% site-wide discount for all SouleMama readers! Just enter soulemama as the discount code at checkout.
Good luck!! And happy holiday shopping-for-the-kids!
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Comments closed! And the winner is....
oh we are soooo in to fairy houses right now! sweet!
leslie - posted Dec 7, 10:20pm
Congrats, Leslie!! Thanks to Imagine Childhood for the wonderful Giveaway!
Thanks once again to all the Sponsors! And thanks to all of you for playing along in the giveaways this week! I hope you found some new handmade goodness...
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