Riddle me this: how does one ridiculously over tired Mama (who, by the way, already has anxiety about 'public speaking' of any kind) wake herself up enough to construct a complete sentence on a live radio show without overcaffeinating her nursling? Hmnn...I didn't find an answer to that one in time. Oh well. (Thanks to those of you who were listening this morning!)
I'm sleepy today. Harper apparently told his siblings that they're missing the midnight party around here, as there's been a freaky several-day stretch of everyone waking during the night. Often. Looking at this photo of him in his hammock, I'm wishing I could crawl into it myself for a snooze. Oh, that would be sooo nice. (So yes, I did end up getting the Natures Sway hammock! He likes it - though he still much prefers Mama or Papa's chest for sleeping on most of all.)
Enough about sleep, or the lack thereof. I wanted to tell you today about an upcoming event I'm quite excited about. In June, I'll be at Squam Art Workshops, as part of their 3-day textile-focused gathering. Specifically, on Friday night (June 5th) will be "An Evening with Amanda Blake Soule". After the talk will be a book signing/author chatting with some of the wonderful authors who will be at Squam this year. I can't wait to be surrounded in all that creative energy, amidst the natural beauty of the white mountains of New Hampshire. Maybe I'll see some of you there!
Oh! Ezra thanks you, by the way, for your votes of confidence - he was quite excited about that. You'll have
to stop by that White House Community Art Studio in a few decades or
so. How cool would that be? He's been constructing this dream studio in his mind - it's full of every medium you could possibly imagine. My suggestion was to add a woodstove. And now I think I'll suggest a family-sized hammock in the corner for naps, too. Bliss.