This little guy is quite interested in the Presidents - past, present and future - reaching all across the political spectrum. His favorites? Barrack Obama, Jimmy Carter, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and James Polk. In that order. (With a fabulous story for each.)
He loves to draw the presidents - this being one of his illustrated lists. He's slated himself to be #46. (So yeah, his math's a little off.) He says when he grows up he wants to be an "artist, professional skiier, and the president". Rock on, kid.
In anticipation of today's inauguration, he wrote one of his many Presidential Manifestos this week. I asked if I could share this one here on the blog, to which he replied, "Yes, and can you also post them to Ez dot Prez dot www dot com?" Apparently, he's ready to start campaigning.
So, without further adieu (and with his beautiful spelling intact), I pass along the:
Manifesto of President Ezra Soule
1. No wor.
2. No sterods in basball. unles ur sick.
3. cindness all ovr the world.
4. The president gits an art studeo. But everybody can use it.
Happy Inauguration Day!