Thank you so much for your warm welcome of Handmade Home! I cannot wait to show you the inside. Soon!
Yesterday, as I was thinking about all the sewing in that book (there's some paper and wood crafting, too!)...I realized it's been a while since I've visited my sewing machine. I do think the rocking chair cushion pictured above may have been the last thing I sewed....over two months ago! It's made from a cutter quilt I found two years ago, with a piece of foam in the middle, and linen bias tape for ties. Simple, sweet and super comfy (as if I needed more of an incentive to sit and rock).
The rest of that pretty old 'cutter' quilt found it's way to Adelaide's room, where what's left of it is hanging on a rack.
So a two month break. It may not seem like much, but I do think it's the longest I've gone without sewing something since...well, as long as I can remember. The past two years have been full of an enormous amount of sewing as the production of Handmade Home has happened around here - on top of the regular house, clothes, and shop sewing. Yes, that sweet machine has had a workout of late. But round about December, after the Solstice jammies were done, and this quick little cushion was made, that tired machine was sent off for a tune-up, and I sat down for a rest. A rest to knit. A rest to sit. And a rest to stare at sweet Harper Pie...and Adelaide, Ezra, and Calvin, too of course.
Breaks are good, I think. From lots of things and for lots of reasons. Sometimes, especially, from that which you love. So I've been waiting, knowing that someday soon, I'd be quite inclined to sit and sew once again. Lately...I've been feeling the beginnings of such an itch - just the beginnings. This weekend, when a few rare minutes of quiet settled on the house, and the sun had settled long enough on my current 'studio' space to warm it up a bit....I wandered out there. Cleaned off the piles of 'stuff' I've been stashing on my work table all winter long. Flipped through my patterns. Touched some fabric. And put some new spring love up on the inspiration board.
That red light and sound came out of the baby monitor telling me my time was up before any sewing could happen, but that's really okay. Maybe that's for next time.
I do believe some sewing is in the forecast for spring!