In all the piles of three older sibling's worth of baby clothes in this house, I can't seem to find a spring jacket that fits Harper. Granted, I haven't looked that hard. Because I couldn't get the idea of making him this jacket out of my head. And, you see, if I didn't find a jacket for him...well, then it became necessary for me to make this one for him. (Oh...the mind games we play with ourselves.)
A few years ago, I used to make and sell a similar style jacket, but I think I got a little burned out on them. I found my pattern pieces this winter, and was re-inspired by them to create something a little different - not to sell again (if only there were just one more hour in the day!) - but for my little guy. With overlapping front panels, buttons, and a bit more flare to the whole thing.
The elephant fabric is fun, isn't it? (It's from good-ness - she has it in a few colorways - and happens to be having a 30% off sale right now. rock on.), with some really soft organic cotton fleece (that I think I got to make diapers with at Very Baby) for the lining.
Soft, sweet, cozy and oh-so-cute, if you ask me. Oh, and I like the jacket an awful lot, too.