My baby girl ("I'm always gonna be your baby, Momma!") was the recipient of my first real sewing foray in months. Anna Maria Horner's beautiful book Seams to Me: 24 New Reasons to Love Sewing arrived here just a little before Harper did. It's been on the coffee table or on my bedside table ever since. Because if I'm not sewing, I might as well be dreaming about some fun projects for when the time comes, right? And her book is, indeed, full of some very fun projects.
Adelaide flipped through it too, and asked for the Prairie Blouse. Well, actually she asked for the horse that Anna Maria's daughter is riding while wearing the Prairie Blouse. But she was happy with the blouse itself for a close second. (The horse? Maybe later.)
In the past week, in approximately ten increments of five minutes at a time (I'll take my crafting time however I can get it), she got her Prairie Blouse. It was super easy to sew up - Anna Maria's pattern writing is super clear. I love the lofty fit for many reasons, not the least of which being that I'm sure it will fit for a few years.
The aqua fabric is linen from Robert Kaufman's Essex line. The bias is some I made from Joelle Hoverson's Cake Rock Beach. The pattern actually calls for a wider bias than I used, which would have been a bit better, I think. But that would have required a trip to the fabric store and that takes a lot more than five minutes. So I'll try the extra wide bias on the second shirt (I know there will be one).
It is so true that she will always be my baby girl. But will someone please explain to me how it is that my baby girl is looking like a kid these days? Oh my. Why do they do that so fast?