Pictures of our spring season would be incomplete without a little bit of our baseball season. This year, we've entered the busy world of baseball and T-ball, and coaching to boot. And a fourth just willing herself to be four - the age at which she can play on her own team.
Oh, baseball. I never thought it would become such a part of my life. But it has (oh, the things these little ones teach us)...and I love it. I love watching them huddle around the radio at night for a Red Sox game. I love watching one of them so amped up and excited to play his Little League game that he can hardly sleep the night before a game. I love watching the others tap dance of excitement on first base, second base and every base and position on the field. I love watching my son wrestle with a ridiculous amount of over-sized gear to play his favorite position behind home plate. I love watching my children interact and play on a team with kids they've never met before. I love watching their sister chant (loudly) their names from the stands. And I love watching their Papa coach - in a game he's always loved so much.
Though I must admit -my favorite games? They're still the ones in the backyard before dinner, in which they all dress up in long johns ("baseball pants", of course), use cardboard boxes for the bases, keep score with chalk on the side of the swing set, and cheer each other on. Yup, those are the best games of my season.