My Yard Sale Skirt from Heather Ross' Weekend Sewing. I added one more panel than recommended in the book (I made a size small, so seven panels total - Heather's page has all the errata here). I think if I were to make it again, I might even add one more panel. The way it is now is fine, I just need to wear it fairly high up on my waist to fit comfortably. And, I've been wearing a slip with it - I'm not so into flashing.
I love it though - it was easy to sew up, and my goodness, I do love french seams. The fabric is Amy Butler from a few seasons ago. It was the only piece I had big enough in my stash to make the skirt with. I never, ever buy this much yardage normally (I think I had 5 yards of it), so it must have been for something specific. I'm hoping I'm not too bummed when I eventually remember what that something was. Hmn. Did I tell you what I was going to do with it? Maybe I blogged it.
Adelaide came in while I was taking the first photo and asked, "but is it twirly?" Well, of course it's twirly. What's the point of a skirt otherwise?
I finished this skirt in late March, but hadn't managed to take a picture of it yet. That is, until a little bit of Manfrotto made it's way into my life on Mother's Day, courtesy of my sweet husband and babes. (And "Manfrotto" by the way, is the new favorite family word. Say it - don't forget to roll you "r's" - and tell me that wasn't fun. Pretend you're onstage in an Italian opera and it's even more fun.) Anyway, I am quite happy to now have my dream little tripod.
You might think these kids have enough of the camera in their lives. Between photographing for two books, this blog, their portfolios (I use photography to document our homeschooling), and everyday snapshots - the camera is around quite a bit. It doesn't feel intrusive, I don't think, but surely a constant. One that no one seems to mind or even pay all that much attention to, usually.
But there's nothing like the beacon that goes off when Mama is standing with remote in hand and camera on tripod. Clearly trying to get a shot without them in it. From near and far they run...and a party ensues. And for every shot like the one at the top of this post, I have a dozen like below. (I love them.)
Hmn....I wonder who they really got that tripod for...