Today, we've got some celebrating to do. Because this sweet, happy little boy?
Today he's forty!!
I met Steve just days after his 30th birthday (and I thought he was 'old' - ahem). He was full of adventures, tales of travels, and a sparkle in his blue eyes that told me his adventuring had only just begun. I had known nothing in my life as strongly and instantly as I knew that day that I wanted to be on whatever adventure he was on. I had no idea where we were going, and certainly he didn't, either...but I knew that as long I was by his side, it would be amazing and so much fun.
And it has been - wonderful beyond anything I could have imagined. But in the challenging moments - both the big ones and the everyday ones - I've never been more grateful to have him by my side. This man has a special way of making any moment - as crazy or confusing or overwhelming or sad as it may be - just fine - for those around him. He carries peace with him wherever he goes...and I am inspired by it, and learn from it every single day.
My words always, always fail me in expressing all of this. But a dear friend of ours always says, of canoeing with Steve, "I want to be in HIS boat." For so many reasons, and on so many levels...YES!
I'm so very glad I'm in your boat, babe.
There's been a lot of celebrating around here these past few days...and a few things yet to come. Forty feels like a good thing to celebrate, don't you think? We're all having fun celebrating this Papa.
Steve left early this morning for a busy day - a wilderness skills class with the kids, yoga a bit later, and a baseball playoff game tonight. All pieces of this adventure that he loves dearly...
He always reads my blog post before leaving the house for the day (seriously - sweet), but today I stalled and made excuses, and well, here we are...
Will you join me in wishing him a very Happy Birthday?