I had every intention of going full steam ahead here through the week sharing a few more projects from HANDMADE HOME. But on Wednesday, in the middle of finishing some sewing up, and glaring at to do list that was quite honestly frightening me...my serger starting getting a little sassy. Really sassy. So sassy that I got sassy right back, said a few choice words, and thought (for a second) about chucking it out the window. There really is nothing like seeing yourself head towards a full-on "overtired three year old with low blood sugar" kind of a meltdown, is there? It's humbling.
Also humbling? That what got me OUT of said meltdown is that our silly little family mantra for conflict resolution popped into my brain - likely because I say it out loud to others approximately 326 times a day. - Take a breath. Say how you feel. Walk away. Ask for help.
Ah, yes. So I laughed a little, and then called it. (And there was no blog post.) Because sometimes you've just gotta call a day a day, you know?
I know you know.
I had dinner with my family, and then joined some friends for a movie. (Julie & Julia - I really, really loved it. But, maybe I'm a little partial to the blogger-as-heroine-theme.)
(knitting at the movie theater. Isn't that what garter stitch is for? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.)
*** *** ***
I give you my thanks for your attention as I've taken you a bit behind the scenes of HANDMADE HOME these past two weeks! It's been fun for me to visit the project in this way, and to share it with you here.
And for those of you within a reasonable driving distance of Portland, Maine...It would be so lovely to see you tonight at Longfellow Books, from 5-7pm for some HANDMADE HOME celebrating!!!
Happy weekend, friends ... and thank you ever so much, for receiving this little project of mine as warmly as you have!