Now that Handmade Home has been out there long enough for you all to get stitching, I can't tell you what fun I've been having spotting projects. It's so fun to see what you've done with the book - in your hands, in your homes. It's one very sweet reward for the work of writing a book, and I'm so grateful that because of blogs and Flickr, I can see it all so easily!
I thought it would be fun to show you just a few of the projects I've been spotting out there, and to introduce you to the makers behind them.
(Clicking on the photos will take you to their individual blog post featuring the project, and below the photo is a link to their home page.)
Ezra's Letter Satchel
made by Heather at Shivaya Naturals
Heather made this sweet letter satchel as a gift for her parents 40th wedding anniversary. So much love bundled up in there, it's amazing!
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Bath Towel Mat (as dish drying mat!)
made by Heather at Seams of Life
I love this adaptation of the Bath Towel Mat as a... dish drying mat! A perfect case of using what you have to make what you need.
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Beach Blanket To-Go
made by Mary Beth at Salt and Chocolate
There are so many great Beach Blankets I'm seeing out there - you have no idea how thrilled this makes me. And I'm loving seeing them in so many places - your places - not just the beach. This 'everyday' backyard scene with one from Mary Beth feels so familiar to me!
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Millie's Hot Pads
Made by Jessica at Turkey Cookies
The soft pretty yellow combinations (vintage bedsheets!) totally grabbed me here - or maybe it was that yummy looking bread? Hmn. (There are some wonderful recipes on Jessica's blog!)
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Treasure Bag
Made by Kate at The Clean Plate Club
And...the Treasure Bag, made out of repurposed window screening, just right for keeping the sand out, and the treasures in. I love how Kate perfectly styled the bag for the beach!
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Thanks so much to all of the lovely and talented women above for so kindly letting me share their projects here. It was such fun to poke around finding these and put this post together today. So perhaps I'll do it again from time to time. (Be sure to visit, and add your projects to the Handmade Home Flickr pool!)
Have a great weekend, friends!