Indeed, I've been knitting - one stitch, one row, one moment at a time through this latest little life adventure we're in. So I must warn you that there very well may be a flood of knitting projects coming this way soon. Or not. I can't really tell if anything is actually getting finished - that feels a little bit less important than all the knitting.
But this one did make it off the needles. The pattern is the (free!) Neighborly by JCasa Handmade. I love the spirit in which this pattern was written up and shared by Jennifer, and thought often in the making of it about the concept, and how I plan to act upon it. I have so much to be grateful for right now, and this gave me many moments of thought about that, which led to a few needed moments of attitude-shifting. Who would believe that a little bit of knitting could do so much good for the soul? (Okay, well I would.)
Anyway. While I enjoyed making the vest, Adelaide likes the end result. She's a little sensitive to the 'itch' factor that goes along with some of Mama's handknits these days, and so I very carefully chose some Manos del Uruguay silk blend from my stash for this one. It's oh-so-soft and silky.
When I asked if I could take some pictures of her with her new vest, she ran to her bedroom and reappeared moments later with this get-up. Be still, my heart - I want that girl's style. And I'm oh-so-flattered by the overload of Mama-mades - the hat is a tiny-Felicity I knit for her, and the legwarmers too. And she's been wearing that skirt I made her from a vintage dress for years now. (I take no credit for the shoes - they're by Simple and she picked them out all by herself. Totally.)
Good gracious, I love talking to four year olds. On our little walk, our conversation went smoothly and rapidly from celebration and excitement at the clump of mud she found to a full-on demonstration of the reindeer dance she's learning in ballet (yes! for the Nutcracker!). I do so love 'four.' Always engaging, excited and very entertaining. (Though, I think I say that about every age.)
As is almost always the case, Adelaide skipped far ahead of me on the way home. Following her footsteps, I came upon this scene:
Which was followed by this one:
And I bet you can guess what came next, right? Splashing, stomping, and eventually - rolling. With glee and many giggles.
That's my girl.