But! When it came time to pick up favors, well...I just couldn't stop myself from doing a little something. Completely inspired by Brooke of inchmark, I packed Katie's favorite candy (Maine needhams), and wrote a simple message on card stock. Paper punch, fabric, a glue stick and a stapler. One little late-night production line (powered by the needhams themselves, thank you very much), and these simple little treats were done.
I do believe the words out of my mouth upon hearing word of this exciting pregnancy were "Congratulations!!!!" Slight pause. "You like pink and purple, right? Will you put wool on your baby?" and on and on. We silly crafters.
After those questions and a bit of thought - given that we're blessed with aunts and grammies to sew the quilt and knit the sweaters and blankets - I decided to make a small pile of hats for this little babe. Hats for the first year. (There are full notes on each hat on my Ravelry page, for those interested in patterns and yarn and such details.)
Baby hats are so incredibly fun to knit, and so stinkin' adorable...but oh, I cannot wait to get those on that baby girls' head and squeeze her up!