There's a whole lot of posts in these archives of mine. One thousand, four hundred and twenty two posts , spanning almost five years, to be precise. My, oh my. I do not know where the time has gone, nor do I know how I could possibly have that many things to say. But there they are. I don't often peek at those old posts - sometimes looking at them makes me twitchy with want for an editorial red pen. But every once in a while I find myself looking for a photograph or a pattern or such, and get lost for a little while in there on Blog Memory Lane - grateful for the little windows into the not-so-distant past of my family life, and also at the life of this community and online space.
I thought it might be fun to take you back with me once in a while - taking a peek at a random(ish) post from this month in years' past. And so...without further adieu, I bring you....this week, in 2005:
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{Originally posted October 1, 2005.}
It's Cool To Be A Pack Rat
My habit of saving nearly everything comes from my parents. Often, I'm quite grateful for all the "stuff'" they saved -- like this clown suit we found recently in my parents attic. My grandmother made this for her children to wear in the mid-forties. All 5 of her children wore it at one time or another (my dad included), and I remember two of my sisters wearing it too. It was in need of some serious cleaning and mending, but I managed that just fine, and now....Calvin (who's been performing circuses in the backyard since our circus experience this summer), has the perfect suit for his performances.
My crazy performer and the signs he made for the show. There are tickets too, and a playbill. Oh yeah...he's pretty hardcore about his performances. Two showings a day around here. No rest for the clowns.
And Ezra, the announcer and one man band for the show, who bangs on the banging wall for the "music".
I love, love, love all of these creative and imaginative characters and performances that happen around's such a joy of parenting and knowing these little boys!
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{A Note Today: One year later, in 2006, this suit was worn by Ezra for Halloween, with a new one added to the collection for Calvin. Both costumes are worn at least once a week around here these days. Also...four years later and Calvin still gives his Mama a near heart-attack on a daily basis with his physical stunts; and Ezra still is rocking the One Man Band. I would imagine these last two things to be true in ten years too. Fun. }