{A little backyard quidditch!}
Good morning! Just a quick note to let you know that I'll be taking a few days off. SoulePapa (also known as Steve) has been struggling for some time now with an injury that has finally landed him at home, off his feet and resting. We're a little uncertain as to what the future holds, but hopeful that with some rest and good care he can avoid surgery.
It's getting trickier for me to keep all the balls in the air so to speak, as the solo on-her-feet parent, so I'm doing some adjusting to our days. Among other things, taking a blog break seems like a necessary and good idea right now.
In the meantime, we'll keep keeping on by trying to keep things as simple as can be. We do have nearly two bushels of apples here, which I'm fairly certain could be turned into breakfast, lunch and dinner for at least a week, don't you think? And there's always popcorn!
I'll pop in to say hello in a few days! And I'm sure you'll understand if I share more photographs and few words for a bit. I've got to save all of my words for these babes of mine. (My goodness, there's a whole lot of talking in one day!)
Have a lovely stretch of days, friends!
amanda (and the rest of us!)