You all have been so sweet with your well-wishes and thoughts lately - we appreciate them so much! I wish there was some news to report of Steve's health and the family status as a result, but unfortunately, nothing of the sort yet. We're still waiting on answers, looking for patience, healing and grace in the meantime. The days are long and it's a bit of a trying time for the adults in the house, truth be told. But amidst all of that, of course, blessings abound. And they feel - perhaps - even sweeter. We are reminded in so many ways, in so many moments throughout our days, of just how good it really is.
In the past few weeks, Calvin has started up the Soule Evening News, complete with everything a newspaper needs. It's heavy on the Sports, Food, Games and Comics. Full color on Sundays! And each day, delivered hot off the press to the kitchen island at precisely 4:50pm ("because that's when 'evening' starts." he says).
And so...rather than boring doctors appointment summaries and reports from a tired Mama, I bring you the real news today...excerpts from recent editions of the Soule Evening News:
On the Front Page:
"There is a sickness dancing around and a lot of coughs from breakfast to dessert. But there are some sickness survivors around the house. Achoo!"
The Weather Report:
3:45pm - rain
3:55pm - rain
4:10pm - sprinkles
4:25pm - barely sprinkles
4:35pm - rain and clouds
4:45pm - still raining
Letter to the Editor:
"Dear Editor.
I want to watch the scariest movie ever made. But my Mom and Dad won't let me. I think they should. My favorite scary movie is Princess Bride.
Sincerely, Ezra Soule"
From the Food Page:
(drawn, with translation by the editor) "Apples, water, cut the apples and cook the sauce. Applesauce!"
In the Classifieds:
The most Soule-loved Brocily Soup - free!
The very best yummy Beef Stew - Free!
The good Burrito - Free!
The very very hot Chili and nutritious brussel sprouts - Free!
All Free! All organic! All fresh! All the time!
From the Sports Page:
In gymnastics, Adelaide Soule had a perfect score of 1000 points for her magnificent couch headstand, to break the world record of 10 points.
"That's the news!"