I think about food a lot anyway (how can I not, when most of my waking hours are spent in the planning/making/eating/cleaning of it?). But in the events of recent weeks and months, I've found myself thinking about it even more, if that's possible - the comfort of food; the blessing of what we have available to us; the power of food to heal.
Today, a few little food gratitudes, if you will:
:: The temporary, but very welcome introduction of boxed cereal into my kitchen. Necessary and helpful. (and the source of a wonderful little lesson in letting go by this Mama!)
:: WHO Bread & my bread machine (a while back, my girlfriends all replaced my old and tired bread machine with a shiny new one. I love it almost as much as i love them. Well, almost.)
:: A pantry and freezer stocked full of goodness from months past and needed/loved now more than I ever could have predicted.
::Wholesome, good and simple foods. We're spending a lot of time in the car these days, so my meal preparing time is so much shorter. Right now I'm loving (as always, but especially now) The Art of Simple Food. Also kind of digging the newest issue of Real Simple's Easy Delicious Meals (five of the past seven evening meals have come from it's pages!).
:: Friends who feed. Yes, yes, yes.
:: Our evening family meal. Though they have always been special to me, I may have taken them just a bit for granted. These days, I'm realizing they are our daily anchor, in oh so many ways.
Where is your food inspiration coming from these days?
Blessings on the meal, my friends!